Simple Steps To Creating Christmas Joy Without Creating Roofing Havoc

Turkey day is over, Black Friday has passed, and Cyber Monday is in the rearview mirror. And for those true go-getters out there, your Christmas shopping may be completed or near completion as well. We now find ourselves in that sweet spot of the post-Thanksgiving glow, and the pre-Christmas excitement.

While some (most) parents out there are probably rolling their eyes at the idea of pre-Christmas excitement while their kids constantly badger them about wanting the newest XBox or PlayStation, I think there is one thing that we can all agree on when he comes to pre-Christmas excitement: Christmas lights and Christmas decorations! It’s hard to deny the allure of lights sparkling in the evening glow and Rudolph wagging his motorized tail at you as he gets ready to “take-off”.

Within all this wonder and glory, however, is a legitimate situation which all homeowners should take heed of as they embark on the wondrous journey of turning their yard into a winter wonderland: One must take certain precautions as to not damage one’s roof in the blurred and crazed happiness of hanging lights and decorations.

Continue reading to find some simple ways for finding the delicate balance of maintaining your Christmas joy, while also protecting your roof from Christmas decoration-based damage.

  • Please Walk Carefully

At first glance, the title to this section may not make you think of roof damage caused by Christmas lights and decorations. However, as many homeowners are aware, there are plenty of Christmas decorations and lights which are specifically built and designed to go on top of your roof. It is no doubt that these types of decorations are eye-catchers and can be seen throughout your neighborhood. Yet, the danger lies in the fact that, first, you will need to be venturing out onto an icy and snowy roof to set up and secure these types of decorations. If you are not able to see certain parts of your roof due to snow and ice, then the chance that you step and damage a portion of your roof becomes quite likely. In addition, you are risking your safety by climbing out onto your roof during a Vancouver winter. Please tread lightly.

  • Practice Patience When Taking Down Your Decorations and Lights

In an all too familiar scenario, many a homeowner has damaged or broken parts of their roof, gutters, or edging in the haste of taking down holiday decorations due to the burnout and hangover of the concluding holiday season. This tip is pretty straightforward: Brush aside your impatience and your nagging want to put the holiday season in the rearview mirror, and be patient and take your time. It will avoid unneeded stress in the future from having to replace or repair portions of your roof and, plus, your roof will thank you.

Ironwood NW is always here for you, no matter the time of the season. Give us a click or call today, so we can help with any and all of your roofing needs.

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